Assistant Principal Felicia Montes » Welcome to Ms. Montes's Page

Welcome to Ms. Montes's Page

Greetings Alonzo students and families, 
This is going to be yet another extraordinary year at Alonzo Community Day School. We have so much to look forward to, including our new Cultural Arts Program, the return of Good City Mentors, and so much more. The most exciting part is seeing returning familiar student faces and meeting new ones. 
A little about me... I have been the Assistant Principal at Alonzo Community Day School since spring, 2022. This year is the beginning of my 25th year in education; having taught at middle school, high school, and collegiate levels. 
I look forward to seeing new and familiar faces on the First Day of School, August 14th, 2023! 
Ms. Montes
Background image Assistant Principal Felicia  Montes`s profile picture
Assistant Principal Felicia Montes
Assistant Principal
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