Program / Services
Students are expected to participate in academic programs that include high-level expectations from staff and students, and that are comparable to those available to students of similar age in the school district. The 360-minute minimum instructional day includes academic programs that provide challenging curriculum and individual attention to student learning modalities and abilities. Community Day schools programs also focus on the development of pro-social skills and student self-esteem and resiliency. Community Day schools are intended to have low student-teacher ratios. Students benefit from learning support services that include school counselors and psychologists, academic and vocational counselors, and student discipline personnel. Students also receive collaborative services from county offices of education, law enforcement, probation, and human services agency personnel who work with at-risk youth. Laws specific to Community Day schools are in Education Code (EC) sections 48660-48667.
The desired outcome is fully engaged students who are learning in a manner best suited to their needs. This will also result in:
- Closing the achievement gap
- Decreasing the dropout rate
- Increasing the graduation rate
- Increased Growth-Mindset